My demo bubble

Here are


reasons to smile!

Smile because...

  1. The lego batman movie ruled!

  2. An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician are betting on a horse race. They apply their skills, make their bets, and the physicists' horse wins

    The engineer goes "I don't understand, I studied all the horses, looked at their muscle strengths, why didn't the horse I picked win?

    The mathematician goes "I don't understand either; I looked at all the horses' race histories, crunched the statistics, why didn't my horse win?

    So they go to the physicist and say "How did you figure out which horse would win?" and the physicist says "Well, first I assumed all the horses were identical, spherical, and made entirely of water..."

  3. I won!

  4. I'm going to New York in June!
  5. The universe is beautiful.

  6. I have a great degree and a bright future.
  7. The internet is a strange and wonderful place.
  8. My parents love me.
  9. I've had a good time and learned a new skill.